The R.P. & Emma Martin Memorial Media Center

Hours, Borrowing Rules, and Classifications


Sunday – 9:15 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.-12:15 p.m.
Tuesday – 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Wednesday – 5:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. on First Wednesday
Other hours as announced


Rules and Regulations:

  • Any responsible adult may check books or videos out of the library.
  • Children may check out books or videos after signing a membership card.
  • Adult and/or audio books may be kept for two (2) weeks and renewed if desired.
  • All videos my be kept for one (1) week.
  • The borrower must pay for books, audio books, or videos damaged or lost.
  • A fine of three (3) cents per day will be charged for overdue books, audio books, and videos.

Book Return:

  • When library is closed, books/videos may be left in drop box outside the library.
  • When library is open, leave books/videos at circulation desk with the librarian on duty

Classification of Books:

  • Adult Fiction
  • Biography
  • Religion
  • Junior Fiction
  • Arts
  • Humanities
  • History
  • Geography

Other Areas:

  • Large Print Books
  • Music CDs
  • DVDs
  • Videos
  • Travel Books

Worship With Us

Our worship (Sundays at 11am) is shaped by the liturgical calendar year and is traditional in nature. We enjoy creative and integrated worship experiences through the use of hymns, responsive readings and prayers, scripture readings from the Revised Common Lectionary, musical meditations by our various choirs and instrumentalists, testimonies of faith, and preaching from God's word.