Youth Ministry
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27
Our youth ministry is focused on providing a welcoming community for students where they can develop in their relationship with God and with each other. Through our ministry to students, we desire to lead students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that that relationship will be evidenced in a deepening faith in God, community with fellow Christians, and a desire to serve others.
Above all, we seek to foster an environment of spiritual growth through discipleship, fellowship, and service. We would love to walk alongside you and your family as a part of this community of faith.
Please join us for these weekly opportunities!
Sunday School – 9:45-10:45am, located in the Youth Building across the street from our sanctuary. During this time, we focus on lectionary-based Bible study that corresponds with the worship service at 11am.
Sunday Youth Group – 5:00-7:15*, Bible Study/Topic Discussion and Snack Supper in the Fellowship Hall. Youth desperately need a place to talk about incorporating their faith into everyday life. On Sunday nights, we have fellowship, play games, build community, and discuss how we can make the decision to follow Christ every day. Our 6th-8th graders (middle school) meet from 5:00-5:45 pm and are joined by 9th-12 graders (high school) at 5:45 pm for snack supper. Middle school is dismissed at 6:30 and our high school group stays until 7:15 pm. We encourage our youth to think about their faith, and we do this through discussion-based Bible study.
*Occasionally, we adjust this schedule, so please consult the church calendar for up-to-date details.
Every month, we also have different fellowship opportunities for youth to build friendship and community. Please see our Facebook Page for updates on plugging into our youth ministry!